I spent most of the day yesterday finishing up the hand sewing on these Dresdens and then started quilting on my Innova. I am using about a yard of fabric for the background and backing so I think it will be tricky to get them to stay lined up. I am hoping by the time they are trimmed into four placemats that they are not too small!
The thread is a variegated from Superior (King Tut I think, but the label is missing). I just love how it complements all the colors in the dresden blades.
I put a fresh needle in the Innova since my daughter was experincing some thread breakage last time she used it, and the machine ran like a dream - perfect tension with a few small adjustments to the bobbin case and upper tension assembly. At one point after re-threading following bobbin winding, the thread somehow missed the upper tension assembly and caused some thread shredding., I know just by pulling on the thread at the needle end that there was a problem. I followed the thread back towards the cone and spotted the issue. I am so happy with this machine! (And proud of myself for learning how to use it!)
All quilted and bound! I LOVE THIS QUILT! I hope all my fellow do. Gooders will agree the pain of piecing these little suckers was well worth the end result! I did some ribbon candy quilting on the sashing strips with little flowers in the cornerstones. The blocks were done with a simple meander. Have I mentioned lately that my Innova rocks? This is definitley another finish I am loathe to send away (sensing a pattern here? I want to keep them all!).
Posting on Celebrate Good Stitches Flickr pool to enter the annual drawing - hope I win! And linking up with Kelly at My Quilt Infatuation (http://myquiltinfatuation.blogspot.com).
Bring on the next quilt!
I finished up the quilt for my Uncle. The last thing needed was a label. I used my a "Perfect Circles" template to make the circle and then hand appliqued it to the quilt back. I am sorry to let this one go since I like it so much but it is going to a good home!
My first foray into the world of mug rugs (technically defined as bigger than a coaster and smaller than a placemat) has resulted in a cute little cookie and coffee mat. I used some left over Dresden blades and a wild tropical fish fabric for the back. I thought it might be done but it was looking rather plain so I added some embroidery. The little chicks are from Aneela Hoey's book "Little Stitches." So sweet! The mug rug is for a Christmas exchange at the Rochester Modern Quilt Guild meeting tonite.